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Schizophrenia - a serious and dangerous mental illness which is characterized by disturbances of thinking, an emotional imbalance, and gradual decrease in mental activity.


Patients who have schizophrenia have a disruption of contact with surrounding reality and develop an inadequate perception of reality.

Disturbance of logical thinking is often observed, though there is often also a disorganization of speech and behavioral abilities.


The disease also features hallucinations. There are a number of different types, including auditory (hearing), visual (seeing), gustatory (taste), olfactory (smell), tactile (feeling), and somatic (symptoms of illness) hallucinations.


This often results in the person losing the ability to work and reducing his or her degree of appropriate social interaction.


Among these symptoms of schizophrenia, we also see a decrease in physical activity, a degree of apathy, and occasionally feelings of depression. The patient will also often experience a decrease in concentration and attention, while the speech of the patient can become fast and incoherent with rapid change in topics of conversation and prevalent sounding of one’s own thoughts.


According to Dr. Vadim Baram, “An important role in the development of schizophrenia is played by the hereditary factor.”


Types of schizophrenia:

  • Paranoid schizophrenia - is characterized by the presence of illogical, paranoid ideas. Auditory hallucinations develop at the same time as a disturbance of emotions, and the person has substantial difficulty making sound decisions.

  • The residual form of schizophrenia, in a chronic form is characterized by thought blocking, passivity, disturbance of an emotional and strong-willed background, and poor speech.

  • The hebephrenic (or disorganized) form of schizophrenia - is most often observed at teenagers. Superficial and inadequate emotional manifestations, unpredictability of behavior, and hallucinations are characteristic of it. The negative symptomatology develops especially quickly.

  • Catatonic schizophrenia – heavily features a consciousness disturbance with a variety of manifestations, including a full stupor before the significant contagious excitation. Negativism, automatic submission, and elaborate poses are characteristic of this form. All of this can be accompanied by bright visual hallucinations.

  • Simple schizophrenia - the development of this disorder involves a sluggish, progressing course with gradual increase of negative symptomatology in the form of nonsensible speech and hallucinations.


The Vadim Baram Inc. clinic carries out effective psychological and pharmacological therapies which allow patients to minimize or to completely eliminate symptoms of the disease and to return to baseline mental and physical health and a more active social life.


Among the highly effective methods of treatment for schizophrenia, which are available at Vadim Baram Inc. clinic, are well-proven methods such as medication management, lifestyle management, therapy, and ECT. Statistically for the last 15 years, 85% of patients have returned to their families and the social life they enjoyed prior to the onset of symptoms.


Thanks to a qualitative psychiatric and pharmacological technique of treatment in Vadim Baram Inc. clinic and also to competent and professional nursing care, patients are able to find positive motivation to help them further their lives.


 Vadim Baram, INC.

 10420 Old Olive Street Road, Suite 205

St. Louis, MO 63141


 314-692-8516 :: Phone

314-692-9978 :: Fax


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